Title I Annual Meeting

Title I Parent Rights.docx

                          GRANDFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL

P.O. Box 639              811 West 3rd                 Grandfield, OK 73546 
Superintendent Office (580)479-5237            High School Office (580)479-3140

September 21, 2020

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This is a notification from the Grandfield Public Schools to every parent in a Title I school that you have a right to request professional qualifications for his or her children’s teacher(s) or paraprofessional(s).  This letter is to inform you of your right to ask for the following information about your children’s classroom teachers or paraprofessionals:


  • Whether Oklahoma has licensed the teacher for the grades and subjects he or she teachers.
  • Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency certification or other provisional status through which Oklahoma licensing criteria has been waived.
  • The teacher’s baccalaureate degree major and whether the teachers has any advanced degrees and, if so, the subject of the degrees.
  • Whether the child is provided services by a paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.


In addition to the above information you will be notified if your student has been taught for 4 or more weeks by a teacher that is not highly qualified.


Our district is fully committed to the success of your child. We appreciate your partnership in our efforts to provide the best education for your child.



James Higdon


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