Discipline Policy District


A priority of Grandfield Public Schools is to provide an effective learning environment for all students. One of the most important lessons education should teach is discipline.  Discipline is an absolute necessity for an organized group to operate successfully. We emphasize the development of self-discipline and responsibility. When a student chooses to disregard school policies, he or she will be held accountable for their actions. With this in mind, we have developed a system that is designed to create the best possible learning environment for all students in Grandfield Public Schools.  The following is a summary of the point system for each offense:

  • unacceptable behavior= 1 point and 1 day of lunch detention

  • failure to follow a directive= 2 points and 2 days of lunch detention

  • unacceptable language= 2 points and 2 days of lunch detention

  • serious or persistent unacceptable behavior= 3 points and 3 days of lunch detention 


  1. Students will report in the office with Mrs. Sarah at their designated lunch time.

  2.  No talking.

  3. Each student will be expected to read/write the lunch detention rules and consequence sheet.

  4. Offenses within the detention lunch period will result in additional infractions.

  5. Failure to behave in detention will result in 1 full day of ISD.


If points are assigned, the student and parent will be advised of any point(s) assigned, updated on their overall point total, and consequences issued. All students will have a 0 point total at the beginning of each semester.  If a student accumulates a point total of 10 or more during a semester they will be placed in ISD.  ISD is a school day for students at the High School Campus.  If a student is placed in ISD through the point system, they are on a 5 point system for the rest of the academic school year after the 1st point system ISD placement.


  1. Students are to be on time. Students will be bused to the Elementary for ISD.
  2. Students must check in their cell phone and place it on the teacher’s desk. 
  3. No talking.

  4. Each student will be expected to read/write the rules and consequence sheet. Each student will also complete their school work assigned to them. 
  5. Offenses within ISD will result in additional days.

  6. Failure to report for ISD will result in another full day of ISD.


First placement- 3 days

Second placement- 5 days

Third or subsequent placement- 10 days

Assistant Principal/Dean of Students and/or Principal.

MAJOR Infractions, depending on the degree of severity, might accumulate more points as determined by the Dean of Students or Administrator. In addition, certain infractions (contraband, fighting, intimidation, bullying, cyber bullying, etc.), at the discretion of the Dean of Students and/or Principal, may result in immediate ISD or Suspension. Lengths of ISD or suspensions are always at the discretion of the principal. A suspension appeals committee is hereby established which will consist of an administrator and teachers or a combination thereof. The members of the committee shall be appointed by the superintendent. However, any member of the committee who initiated a suspension in a case shall be excused from the committee during any appeal of that particular case. Only suspensions of more than 3 days may be appealed.


A priority of Grandfield Public Schools is to provide an effective learning environment for all students. One of the most important lessons education should teach is discipline.  Discipline is an absolute necessity for an organized group to operate successfully. We emphasize the development of self-discipline and responsibility. When a student chooses to disregard school policies, he or she will be held accountable for their actions. With this in mind, we have developed a system that is designed to create the best possible learning environment for all students in Grandfield Public Schools.  The following is a summary of the point system for each offense:

  • tardy= 1 point and 1 day of lunch or after school detention

  • unacceptable behavior= 1 point and 1 day of lunch or after school detention

  • unexcused absence= 2 points and 2 days of lunch or after school detention  * (A completed pre-arranged absence form on file in the campus office prior to the absence will ensure that the absence does not carry a point assignment and detentions regardless of whether the absence is determined to be excused or unexcused.)

  • failure to follow a directive= 2 points and 2 days of lunch or after school detention  

  • serious or persistent unacceptable behavior= 3 points and 3 days of lunch or after school detention  

  • unacceptable language= 3 points and 3 days of lunch or after school detention  

  • Dress and grooming code violations- To a point, the student will receive 1 detention on each infraction and no points will be assigned.  If more than 5 infractions occur in a semester, each infraction will then be dealt with as persistent unacceptable behavior= 3 points and 3 days of detention.

  • ** Anytime a student is assigned detention and does not attend the detention, the student will be assigned 2 points for failure to follow a directive and given 2 more detentions unless their point total requires an ISD placement.


  1. Students are to be on time. Students will report in the Library with Mrs. Curry at their designated lunch time.

  2.  Students will not be admitted to the detention hall if they are late.

  3. Students must sign in.

  4. No talking.

  5. Each student will be expected to read/write the lunch detention rules and consequence sheet.

  6. Offenses within the detention hall will result in additional infractions.

  7. Failure to report for detention will result in 1 full day of ISD.

If points are assigned, the student will be advised of any point(s) assigned, updated on their overall point total, and consequences issued.  All students will have a 0 point total at the beginning of each semester.  If a student accumulates a point total of 10 or more during a semester they will be placed in ISD.  If a student is placed in ISD through the point system, they are on a 5 point system after the first point system placement to ISD and a 3 point system after the second or subsequent point system placement to ISD.  Point system placements to ISD will be accumulated throughout the school year.  All ISD placements must be completed in good standing before student placement can change.


  1. Students are to be on time. Students will report to the designated area for ISD for their breakfast meal @??.

  2. Students must sign in.

  3. Students must check in their cell phone and place it on the teacher’s desk. 

  4. No talking.

  5. Each student will be expected to read/write the rules and consequence sheet. Each student will also complete their school work assigned to them. 

  6. Offenses within ISD will result in additional days.

  7. Failure to report for ISD will result in another full day of ISD.


First placement- 3 days

Second placement- 5 days

Third and subsequent placement- 15 days  

Dean of Students and/or Principal.

MAJOR Infractions, depending on the degree of severity, might accumulate more points as determined by the Dean of Students or Administrator. In addition, certain infractions (drugs, fighting, sexual harassment, bullying, cyber bullying, etc.), at the discretion of the Dean of Students and/or Principal, may result in immediate ISD or Suspension. Lengths of ISD or suspensions are always at the discretion of the principal. A suspension appeals committee is hereby established which will consist of an administrator and teachers or a combination thereof. The members of the committee shall be appointed by the superintendent. However, any member of the committee who initiated a suspension in a case shall be excused from the committee during any appeal of that particular case. Only suspensions of more than 3 days may be appealed.

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