Distance Learning Plan

Grandfield Distance Learning Plan 2021-2022.docx

Grandfield Schools

2021-2022 Distance Learning Plan

 Purpose of the Plan

 The purpose of the Grandfield Distance Learning Plan is to outline steps that our teachers will take to provide high-quality instruction during the 2021-2022 school if a closure is deemed necessary due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure student learning is forwarded, assessed, remediated, and enriched, Grandfield Schools has developed distance learning plans to meet all students' needs, using a variety of resources. These may include hard copy materials, web-based teacher instruction, and online materials.

 The staff at Grandfield is trained in using technology as a learning tool to deliver content, set expectations, and collaborate with each other. However, during these uncertain times, staff requires the full partnership of students, parents, teachers, and staff to provide meaningful instruction that meets state guidelines for student success.

 Implementation of Plan

 Grandfield Schools will actively monitor all county, state, and national Covid-19 resources to stay abreast of active cases within our county and the local community. The following four scenarios would trigger a move to distance learning:


  1.  Federal Mandate
  2. State Mandate
  3. Local School district decision


  1. Initiate an all-call to parents/guardians of the decision to move to distance learning and provide the schedule for pick-up of electronic devices and packets.
  2. Post-pick-up schedule on the Grandfield Public Schools website, Twitter account, and PTO Facebook page. Emails will be sent to all students with the schedule.
  3. District administration will consult with local health officials to determine when the school can reopen safely.
  4. Students will transition to using their teacher’s distance learning protocols and procedures.

Student Access/Provision for Student Equity:


Grandfield will provide hotspots for students who have no home internet access..

  • Because students should have access to technology devices, school-owned devices (Chromebooks and hotspots) will be loaned out by the district for distance learning as needed - one per family. If three (3) or more students reside in the same household, two (2) may be given.
  • The full cooperation of students, teachers, and parents is necessary to make electronic instruction meaningful and compliant with OSDE requirements.
  • To access instruction through iPads/Chromebooks/laptops/etc., students will need to log in according to their teachers' specific directions.
  • Students will access digital content through Learning Management Systems: Study Island, Google Classroom, Odysseyware, and Alpha Plus. Teachers will teach, assign, and monitor content for students that align with practices established in their current daily instruction and align with the OAS framework. If no internet connectivity is possible, students will be given hard-copy packets of material that correspond with the skills being practiced by peers using electronic devices.

Students in K-8

Electronic instruction will be delivered through Study Island, Alpha Plus, and teacher-created lessons on Google Classroom. Paper packets of equal content and rigor will be provided to students without internet access.

Students in 9-12

Electronic instruction will be delivered through Odysseyware, Exact Path, and teacher-created lessons on Google Classroom. Paper packets of equal content and rigor will be provided to students without internet access.

Teachers will provide feedback on all assignments as it pertains to the skill being practiced. Grades will come from the on-line curriculum, paper packets, and web-based teacher instruction.  Scores from assignments will be entered into the online grade book and used for grade calculations.

Attendance/Academic Progress Policy: 


  • Attendance during distance learning will be met by maintaining regular academic progress and completing daily assigned work, whether online or with packets.
  • Progress will be monitored each Friday.
  • Teachers will keep a log of daily contact with students for attendance purposes.
  • Instructors will keep students and parents/guardians informed of student progress weekly by email, text, or telephone and keep a log of all contact made with parents/guardians.
  • Teachers will notify the counselor and the building principal if the student is behind two (2) or more lessons.
  • Students are encouraged to contact the instructor immediately if they have problems with the course content or are having technical issues.
  • Grandfield recognizes student illness, death in the family, approved college visitations, required court appearances, and family emergencies to be excused. However, regardless of the absence reason, students are expected to make up work.
  • All students are required to complete state testing requirements as scheduled by the state.

Student Promotion/Awarding of High School Credits

High school students will receive .5 credit toward graduation requirements for each course successfully completed at the end of each semester.  Elementary students will receive credit for completing semester requirements set forth by teachers using OAS standards.

Eligibility to Participate in Sports/Extracurricular Activities:

Weekly eligibility will continue to be determined weekly to ensure a smooth transition when the district can return to the classroom and participate in extracurricular activities. Eligibility notices will continue to be sent to parents/guardians as another form of communication on student progress.

Teacher/Staff Attendance:

Staff will report to their building sites each school day during regular contract hours unless under quarantine or self-monitoring due to direct exposure to a positive COVID-19 individual. Teachers will be available to assist students with work via email, phone, or small virtual groups via Google Meets from 8:00 AM until 3:30 PM. Questions regarding work outside these hours will be addressed the next school day.

Meal Distribution:

Student meals will be provided in a grab and go format. Breakfast and lunch will be made available for parents/guardians or students to pick up each day. Student meals will be charged according to their National School Lunch Program status. Parents/guardians will be allowed to pick up meals without students present.

Consideration for Special Populations

The specific needs of each special education student are outlined in the individual education plan (IEP) and regulated under state and federal law, with consideration of special needs for continuity of learning. Students requiring off-level or modified work can be assigned work electronically through all digital platforms, or hard copy equivalents can be provided. Teletherapy may be used for students requiring Speech Services. Students who receive OT/PT services will be given outlines of routines, skills, or tasks to complete at home. 


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